Our company can provide many kinds of geosynthetics installation, especially for the installations of HDPE geomembrane, nonwoven needle punched geotextiles, bentonite geosynthetic clay liners, composite geomembranes, composite drainage networks.
Our installation team (has established independent company to run the installation business and related business in 2017) has more than 12 years in this industry. Our company’s Qualification Category and Level: B-level Qualification of Specialized Contractor of Waterproof (corrosion-proof and insulation) Engineering.
Construction Enterprise Qualification Certificate:

The following is some of our installation projects pictures:

Geomembrane Installation in landfill project

Geomembrane seam testing

Geotextile installation for waste water collection and treatment pond

Composite geomembrane installation for tailing waste dam

Drainage geocomposite installation for landfill